Refund Requests

If you need to postpone or cancel your event for any reason, you now have the ability to send out Refund Requests in the email that informs them of the postponement or cancellation.

To send out a refund request, you will need to navigate to the dashboard pop-out menu and select 'Manage Events.' 




Find the event you would like to send the refund requests out for, and select 'Manage.'




Select 'Email Guests' from the menu on the left hand side of the page.




From there, you will need to select the ticket types, choose to attach the PDF ticket, enter in a subject line, and fill out the body of the email.




You will then need to choose an event status from the dropdown menu, and select the checkbox beside 'Is refund request.'




Once the box is checked off, the following will appear:

  • Refund Expires: Choose a date that ticket buyers will be able to request a refund until
  • Show Exchanges: If your organization has exchanges enabled, you can choose to show those as an alternative to a refund
  • Refund Type: Choose the type of refund to be issued
    • Full Refund: The price the ticket buyer paid, less any fees will be refunded
      • Please note: If the fees are absorbed, this will not be a refund option
    • Full Refund + Org. Fees + Commissions + Showpass Fees: Everything the ticket buyer paid will be refunded and then your organization will receive an invoice to pay for the refunded fees




Once everything has been completed, select 'Send Email' and the email will be sent to your ticket buyers.


Please note the following:

  • Refund requests are automatically approved at the end of each day
  • If someone transfers their ticket, the refund will go to the original purchaser


The email that the ticket buyer will receive will look like the following:




Once they click the 'Request Refund' button, they will be taken to the following web page where they will need to 'Confirm Refund.'




Once they have confirmed the refund, they will see the following confirmation message: 

