Showpass & Processing Fees

As an organizer, you will be charged a Showpass fee and a Processing fee. These fees may differ depending on which plan you are utilizing. These are fixed fees and you are unable to change them yourself. You can, however, choose to absorb these fees, or have customers pay these fees on top of their purchase. You are able to control this at an organization level, an event level, and also at a ticket type level.

Organization Level

To set how the Showpass fee and the Processing fee are charged at the organizer level, you will need to open your dashboard pop-out menu and select 'Organization Info.'




You will then need to go to 'Financial Settings' on the left hand side menu.




You will then be able to toggle the fees to the following:

  • Customer Pays On: The Customer will pay this fee on top of the ticket price
  • Customer Pays Off: The fee will be absorbed into the ticket price 




Event Level

You are able to adjust how the Showpass and Processing fees are charged at the event level as well. Adjusting these will override how the fees are set at the organization level for the specific event you are adjusting.

Please note: These fees will need to be added before there are any sales on the event

To add adjust how the Showpass and Processing fees are charged, you will need to open the 'Advanced Settings' on your event and go to 'Financial Settings.'




The event will default to the organization level settings, however you are able to choose from the following list for both Showpass and Processing fees:

  • Use Organization Settings
  • Absorb Processing Fee
  • Customer Pays Processing Fee



Showpass and Processing fees can be set differently as well.


Ticket Type Level

You are also able to adjust how the Showpass and Processing fees are charged at the ticket type level. Adjusting these will override how the fees are set at the event level for the specific ticket type you are adjusting.

Please note: These fees will need to be added before there are any sales on the event.

To adjust how the Showpass and Processing fees are charged, you will need to open the 'Advanced Settings' on your event and go to 'Ticket Types.'




Select the gear beside the ticket type you are adding the fee to.




You will then want to select 'Finance' from the top menu bar.




After that you can override the fee the same way you would if it was at the event level.