The transactions page is where you can find transactions for customer purchases, event payouts, refunds, invoices & transfers.
To get to your transactions page, navigate to your dashboard pop-out menu and select 'Transactions.'
Along the top of the Transactions page. you'll see a banner called 'Selection Totals' which holds financial information dating back to an organizers start on Showpass.
The Selections Totals Banner contains the following:
Net Sales: Represent the total revenue generated from sales after subtracting certain deductions. These deductions typically include returns, discounts, allowances, and sometimes taxes.
Gross Revenue: Represents total revenue after deducting both Showpass and Payment processing fees.
Organizer Fees: Total custom fees charged by the Organizer.
Organizer Taxes: Total custom taxes charged by the Organizer.
In the top righthand corner of the page you'll see the 'Export CSV' button. Click this to download a CSV report of all transactions currently being filtered onto your page.
Finding Specific Transactions
You are able to search the transactions page using any of the filters on the left hand side menu:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Card last 4 digits
- Transaction ID
- Event
- Start Date
- End Date
- Payment Type
- Invoice Type
- Purchase Platform
- Discounts
- Fulfillment Status
- Sold By
- Products
Once you find the transaction(s) that you are looking for, you are able to do any of the following:
- Refund: Refund the transaction selected
- Void: Void the transaction selected
- Download receipt: Download the receipt related to the transaction
- Re-send confirmation: Re-send the confirmation email for the transaction
- Modify name on tickets: Change the name(s) associated with the transaction