Tracking links are a useful tool to track analytics, speed up the checkout process, and allow for sales of specific ticket types.
You can collect real time data on sales through Employee, Promotional, and Affiliate links.
To access the tracking links dashboard you will need to open your dashboard pop-out menu and select ‘Tracking Links.’
On the left hand side menu you'll be able to:
- Search by tracking link name, employee name, event name, etc
- Filter by event
- Filter by tracking link type
- Download tracking link CSV
All tracking links ever created under your organization will exist on the right hand side along with their analytics.
Showpass has four different types of tracking links that you have access to:
- Employee specific links that track sales for each employee that are added to your organization
- Unique, event specific links that reveal specific ticket types that are only ‘Visible to sellers.’ These are great for tracking promotions and different sales funnels.
- Custom tracking links will not work if there are no hidden tickets
- Will take whoever has this link to a custom URL
- Create links to track multiple events and product purchases
- Used to simplify the checkout process and allow you to send a pre-populated basket to whoever has the link
- Create links to automatically add tickets to customers baskets and take them right to checkout