Exchanges allow you to easily exchange tickets for alternate dates or times for select events.
Please note: This option will only be available if the event organizer has enabled it on their account. If exchanges are enabled, they can only be done on orders of equal or greater value.
To exchange your ticket, you will need to click on your name in the top right hand corner and select 'Orders' from the dropdown menu.
Ensure 'My Orders' is selected on the left hand side menu.
Find the order that you are looking to exchange and expand 'Order Options.' Then select 'Exchange Tickets.'
Please note: This option will only appear if the organizer has ticket exchanges enabled on their account.
A pop-up will appear that explains how exchanges work and any limitations. If you agree to what is presented, select 'Start Exchange.'
A new pop-up will appear letting you know how much you have in exchange credits, and how they will work. Select 'Browse Available Events' to look for a new event.
You will be redirected to the organizers profile and can browse eligible events to apply your exchange credit to.
Select the tickets you would like to exchange for and proceed to the checkout. The exchange credits should automatically apply to your transactions.
If the exchange credits don’t automatically apply, select 'Apply Exchange Credit' button and the credits will then apply.
Please note: If the credits aren’t applied, you will pay full price for the tickets.
If the tickets are the same value, the exchange credit will cover the transactions. However, if the tickets you are exchanging for are of greater value, you will be required to pay the difference
Once a transaction using exchange credits is complete, your old tickets will be void.
Please note:
- You have to exchange an entire order, you can’t select only certain tickets/products to exchange
- You cannot initiate two exchanges at the same time
- You can only use exchange credits for orders of equal or greater value
- If you have a complimentary, transferred or free ticket you cannot initiate a ticket exchange.
- The Showpass App does not support exchanges at this time. All exchanges must be done on a computer.