Please note: This feature can only be used for non-marketing materials. This feature will email all guests, so please do not send promotional or marketing messages.
Need to let your customers know about changes to your event? Use our Email Guests feature to send a direct message to them by following these steps.
In your dashboard pop-out menu select:
Find the event that you would like to email the ticket buyers about, and select 'Manage.'
From the event overview page, select 'Email Guests.'
The ticket types will all be pre-added, so remove any that you wouldn't like to contact (if any), add in a Subject line, add in the body of the email, and adjust the status of the event from the drop down if you need to.
Once that information has been added and adjusted, you can hit 'Send Email' and an email with be sent out to everyone that was selected.
Please note: Each email will incur a $0.01 charge per email sent and will be deducted from your next payout.