Ticket selection and Checkout widget

Customize and install the Showpass Ticket Selection and Checkout Widget on your website

Please note, if your website is built on Wordpress, we have a Showpass Wordpress Plugin

If it is built on Squarespace, you can find out how to integrate it here: Squarespace Integration


The Showpass Ticket Selection and Checkout Widget easily integrate your events into your website allowing customers to purchase tickets directly from your site. The widget is customizable and automatically updates with your events allowing you to incorporate your branding and save time on website edits. 

To install the ticket selection and checkout widget, you will need some basic coding experience. 

Add the following code in between your <head></head> tags.

<script type="text/javascript">
(function(window, document, src) { var config = window.__shwps; if (typeof config === "undefined") { config = function() { config.c(arguments) }; config.q = []; config.c = function(args) { config.q.push(args) }; window.__shwps = config; var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = src; var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x); } })(window, document, 'https://www.showpass.com/static/dist/sdk.js');

In order to activate the widget from your website, you need to add a custom javascript onclick function to an element on your website. Usually a button or link styled to your liking.


Important: URL Parameters

To make sure the widget is displayed properly on your event website, make sure to add the 'slug' parameter after '/event-detail/' of your event website. You can find the slug of your event in your link event (showpass.com/this-it-the-slug/). The widget will not be displayed without this parameter. For example:

  • Incorrect: https://youreventwebsite.com/event-detail/

  • Correct: https://youreventwebsite.com/event-detail/?slug=slug-of-your-event/


Ticket Selection Widget

onclick="showpass.tickets.eventPurchaseWidget('event-slug', {'theme-primary': '#dd3333' })"



  • The slug of your event showpass.com/this-is-the-slug/


  • hex-code of main colour of your brand (buttons and highlighted input - keep the # at the beginning)


  • true = displays Keep Shopping button
  • false = displays Close  button
  • default: true



<button onclick="showpass.tickets.eventPurchaseWidget('this-is-the-slug', {'theme-primary': '#dd3333'})">


Product Selection Widget

onclick="showpass.tickets.productPurchaseWidget('productID', {'theme-primary': '#dd3333' })"

The product ID is found in the URL bar when editing the product on Showpass.


The product selection widget has the same options as the ticket selection widget.


Checkout / Cart Widget

onclick="showpass.tickets.checkoutWidget({'theme-primary': '#333333'})"


theme-primary : hex-code of main colour of your brand (buttons and highlighted input - keep the # at the beginning)
keep-shopping : default: true = displays Keep Shopping button instead of close.


<button onclick="showpass.tickets.checkoutWidget({'theme-primary': '#333333'})">