Using Memberships for Seasons Passes (Assigned Seating or General Admission)

The Memberships tool facilitates the sale and distribution of season passes or memberships, ensuring customers retain the same seats for the entire season. These passes not only offer purchase options but also enable effortless seasonal renewals at the convenience of event organizers.

Creating a New Season Pass/Membership:

    • Go to the Memberships Tool:
      1. Navigate to the Showpass Dashboard menu.
      2. Click on "Memberships".
      3. Select ‘Create Membership’ in the top right-hand corner.
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.02.03 PM.png
  • Input Membership Group Details:
    1. Name the Membership and specify the Season.
    2. Choose the renewal frequency (in the example of seasons passes, you’ll select ‘Seasonal’ from the dropdown menu).
    3. Adjust membership visibility (if needed).
    4. Select ‘passes’ as the membership level.
    5. Set the season start and end dates.
    6. Add an image and description for the Season Pass Membership.
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.01.04 PM.png

Membership Levels:

Understanding Membership Levels: Membership levels are customized tiers that offer various pricing or ticket options within a Membership. These levels dictate the access, benefits, and pricing structures available to members, ensuring a tailored experience that aligns with their preferences and needs throughout the event season.
  • Creating Membership Levels:
    1. Once the membership draft is saved, return to the Membership Group and select “Manage Levels” in the top left hand corner.

      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.04.41 PM.png
    2. Click on ‘New Level’ in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.05.08 PM.png
    3. Input details such as level, price, inventory, and purchase limit (if applicable, note this space cannot be blank).

      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.05.44 PM.png
    4. Click ‘Save’.

      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.06.01 PM.png
  • Note: If possible, complete all levels in the membership group before proceeding to save time and avoid duplicating steps. If a membership level comes with additional benefits, feel free to add those as well as you normally would.
  • Adding Membership Group Benefits:
    1. Go back to the Membership Group and click on ‘Add Benefit’.

      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.12.22 PM.png
    2. From the dropdown menu, select ‘Issue Tickets’.

      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.12.31 PM.png
    3. Choose the map associated with the membership if using assigned seating.

      Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 9.19.51 AM.png
    4. Assign seats within the map to each level of the membership.

      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.12.59 PM.png

For General Admission:

  • Select General Admission instead:
  • Once you click on “Next”, the system will create the membership benefit:


Creating Ticket Batches

Understanding Ticket Batches: A ticket batch encompasses the group of tickets provided to a customer upon purchasing the Membership.
  • Initiating Ticket Batching: Note: Membership sales can begin without completing this step. When a customer purchases a membership, they receive those seats. They’ll be issued their tickets when the batch is created.
  • Customers who become members after a batch is created will receive their tickets immediately at purchase.
  • However, please note that you cannot create ticket batches on events that already have sales. This is because we can’t guarantee the same seats for existing ticket holders.
    1. Proceed to batch tickets for issuance by navigating to the Membership Group Benefits where it says ‘Issue Tickets’ and click on ‘Open Ticket Manager’.
    2. Select ‘Create ticket batch’. Alongside the left-hand menu, you can also manage drafts and scheduled and sent batches.
  • Creating a Ticket Batch:
    1. Name your Ticket Batch and select applicable events included with the Membership purchase. You can choose either a single event, or a parent event.
    2. Choose the Ticket Payment Method (selecting this won’t send the batch immediately):
      • Send tickets that are paid for, or
      • Send hold link for unpaid tickets (If sending a hold link, you’ll be prompted to select the hold link expiry date. Members will have until this date and time to purchase their basket before the held tickets go back into general inventory).
    3. Customize the delivery message if need be.
    4. From here you can either,
      • Save as draft to return to later, or
      • Automate send and select the send date and send time.

Example (Hockey Season):

  • Membership Group: Season Ticket Holders
  • Levels: Centre Ice, Box Seats, General Admission
  • Ticket Batches:
    • Initial Season/Home Games: This batch includes tickets for the beginning of the season.
    • Playoff Batch: Created when the team qualifies for playoffs and games are scheduled. Send the hold basket to pay for the playoff games so seasons pass holders have first claim to their usual seats.

Managing Season Renewals and Adding New Seasons:

  • Seasonal Renewals:
    • From the Membership Group page, manage the activation or pausing of season renewals.
  • Adding New Seasons:
    • Add a new season to the existing Membership when necessary.


  • We still need to run a script to populate memberships with season pass holders to migrate them from the old package system.
  • Can currently only attach issue tickets benefit to the Membership Group, not the membership level.
  • You cannot add an event to a ticket batch if the event has sales already; we restrict this because there is no way of guaranteeing members get the same seats if the single games already have sales.
  • Ticket batches do not support products.