Adding a Calendar Display in Wordpress

Display your event calendar using the [showpass_calender_widget]. This shortcode will display a button to users that opens up the calendar in a pop up.
ex. [showpass_calendar_widget label="View Event Calendar" tags="outdoor"]
Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 11.00.17 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 10.58.58 AM.png

Calendar Display Parameters

label='View Event Calendar'

Change this parameter to the desired label on the button. If not altered, the default is “Get Tickets.”


Use this parameter to filter your calendar by certain categories or tags, remove entirely for all events

Embedded Calendar

You can also embed the Calendar display using
This shortcode will embed the calendar directly onto the page that the user is viewing.
*Please ensure the container in which this is placed is over 1200px wide in order to display properly on desktop.*