Order Barcodes


Our new feature enables a simplified and efficient guest check-in process by providing a single QR code containing all items within an order. This eliminates the need for guests to search and manage multiple PDFs, emails, and tickets, streamlining their entry experience. Please note that this feature only applies to new transactions with the feature enabled.
The single barcode per order is similar to Showpass’s Universal QR code, however the Universal QR code requires the user to have a Showpass account. This feature supports customers who check-out as guests!
For example, a family purchases tickets to an event and their order includes 2x Adult GA and 2x Youth GA. Instead of searching for and scanning 4x tickets individually, the customers can present 1x QR code for the entire order and get 4 people admitted into the event, marking them all as checked-in!


  • Ensure that a member of our customer support team has enabled Order Barcodes for your organization
  • After a customer completes a transaction for an event, they will receive a purchase confirmation email. This email will now include a single QR code for the entire order.
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  • Event Check-in
    • On the day of the event, guests simply need to open the purchase confirmation email on their mobile device. At the event entrance, our staff will scan the QR code directly from the email.
  • Smooth Entry:
    • Once the Order Barcode has been scanned, the staff member scanning tickets is able to select which items they wish to check in.
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  • Efficiency: Guests can enter the event faster without the hassle of managing multiple ticket PDFs.
  • User-Friendly: The process is simple and intuitive.
  • Enhanced Experience: By eliminating PDF searching, guests can enjoy a seamless and exciting event start.