A Branded Sponsorship Portals, also known as Dynamic Hold Links, is a flexible solution that allows organizers to reserve tickets, products or memberships for sponsors or partnering companies. Customers can then purchase discounted or complimentary items directly from a custom landing page created by the organizer. With Branded Sponsorship Portals, customers have the option to buy only a portion of the hold instead of the entire basket, providing greater convenience and flexibility.
How to Create a Branded Sponsorship Portals
1) Open the Showpass box office by navigating to the "Sell Tix" tab. Initiate a transaction as you normally would:
2) Scroll down to the bottom of the box office page and locate the "Put on Hold" button. Click the arrow on the button to reveal the "Create Dynamic Hold" option.
Note: Once you click "Create Dynamic Hold," a message will appear in the corner confirming that the transaction has been put on hold.
3) In the top right-hand corner, click on "View Holds" to access the Holds page.
4) Locate the Dynamic Hold you just created. You can use the search bar to find it more quickly. Click on "Customize Hold Link" to customize the parameters of the Dynamic Hold basket.
A dialogue box will appear, allowing you to set preferences such as the Minimum Purchase, Maximum Purchase, and a unique description for the recipients of the hold links. If you do not edit these preferences the maximum purchase limit will default to 1.
Adjust these preferences according to your needs and click "Save Hold."
5) On the Holds page, you will see the Dynamic Hold URL. Copy this URL to send it to sponsors, customers, or other recipients.
As the Recipient of a Dynamic Hold Link:
Recipients who receive the Dynamic Hold URL will be directed to a landing page that provides access to the associated events, products and memberships
Once the desired items are added to the cart, recipients can proceed to the checkout page. Note: Recipients have the flexibility to buy only a portion of the ticket bundle, if allowed by the organizer, providing convenience and flexibility!
Complete the purchase process by providing the necessary information and making the payment, if applicable!