Box Office Exchanges

To start an exchange in the box office:
  • Navigate to your box office, otherwise known as the "Sell Tix" tab
  • If exchanges are enabled, click on exchanges in the top right hand corner to enter exchange mode
To find the transaction to exchange, search by either the name or email associated to it.
A list of eligible transactions will appear.
Find the one you want to exchange and select ‘Begin Exchange':
A banner will appear telling you how many exchange credits the customer has.
Select the new tickets like you normally would and add them to the basket.
You will need to select ‘Apply Exchange Credit’ in order for the credit to be applied.
The customer info will already be autofilled!
If there is an amount to pay after the exchange, the payment options will appear and the process will continue as normal.
You will see the Transactions appear in your Transactions tab as follows:
