How Showpass Fights Disputes

Please note: Showpass can and will respond to a disputed transaction when the organizer is on Showpass’s payment processor. If an organizer is on a payment processor of their own, it will be up to them to respond to any incoming disputes. 

What steps does Showpass take when a dispute is initiated?

The organizer will be notified through email that a dispute has been initiated. At this point in time, no action is required by the event organizer. We are often able to connect with the customer and agree that the charge was legitimate. In many cases, we are successful in reaching an understanding, and we ask the customer to contact their bank and withdraw the dispute.

If the EO can provide us with any further proof that the transaction was intentional we welcome they share that with us by emailing

In the case Showpass is required to respond to a dispute:

To challenge a dispute, Showpass presents the following evidence to communicate with the bank regarding the legitimacy of a charge:

  • Documentation showing that the tickets were scanned at the relevant event.

  • The event organizer's No-Refund Policy.

  • Proof that the cardholder name matches the name on the associated ticket.

  • Previous invoices linked to the buyer account for events attended in the past.

  • Any relevant communications with the ticket buyer that support the legitimacy of the purchase

As an Event Organizer, if you have additional evidence relevant to the disputed charge, we encourage you to provide it to us. We will incorporate your evidence into our case when presenting it to the bank, further strengthening our position in resolving the dispute. 
Please reach out to