Showpass offers a complete Google Analytics 4 integration with Enhanced Ecommerce tracking compatibility with cross domain tracking.
To set up these features to their full capabilities, you will need full access to your Google Analytics 4 property.
Create a new GA4 Property (for those new to Google Analytics)
If you have previously configured a Universal Analytics property and are currently using it on your organization(s) on Showpass, please follow our "Migrating to Google Analytics 4" documentation.
If you are new to Google Analytics and have never setup analytics before, continue following the steps below:
- In GA4 Admin, look at the Account column to make sure that you've selected the right account. Then, in the Property column, click Create Property.
- Enter a name for the property (e.g. "My Business, Inc website") and select the reporting time zone and currency.
- Click Next. Select your industry category and business size.
- Click Next. Select how you intend to use Google Analytics.
Note: Google Analytics tailors the set of default reports based on the information you provide about how you intend to use Analytics. For example, if you choose "Generate more leads," you will see a collection of reports to help you measure lead generation. Learn more - Click Create and (if you are setting up a new account) accept the Analytics Terms of Service and the Data Processing Amendment.
- Continue to Add a data stream to start collecting data.
Add a Data Stream
- In Google Analytics, click “Admin” (lower left)
- In the Account column, make sure that your desired account is selected.
- In the Property column, select the Google Analytics 4 property that you would like to configure for use on Showpass.
- In the Property column, click Data Streams > Add stream.
- When selecting a platform, select Web.
- Under the Website URL field, select https:// and use as the URL.
- Under Stream name, enter a name for this data stream.
- Enable Enhanced measurement and click Create stream.
Add your Measurement ID
- Login to your Google Analytics 4 property
- Click 'Admin' on the bottom left
- Click 'Tracking Info' to expand
- Click 'Tracking Code'
- Copy your tracking id G-XXXX
- Go to your Organization Info page
- Go to the 'Analytics' tab
- Enter your analytics code into the 'Google Analytics 4' field
Please note: If you are using our widget, or linking your clients directly to Showpass to purchase tickets, you must set up cross domain tracking to track your customers entire journey. Compared to Universal Analytics, you do not need to add custom code to your website in order to do this.
Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting on your Google Analytics 4 View
In order to track ecommerce to your Google Analytics 4 view, you must enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting under your Google Analytics 4 property.
- Login to your Google Analytics 4 property
- Click 'Admin' on the bottom left
- Click 'Ecommerce settings'
- Turn on 'Enable Ecommerce'
- Turn on 'Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting'
- You do not need to set up any 'Funnel Steps'
Please visit the this Google help article for more information.
What data does Showpass send to GA4?
Page Views
We track basic page views on event detail pages, and at checkout if your organizations has a valid tracking property installed.
Ecommerce Tracking
We track the following ecommerce events:
- When a list of ticket types are viewed
- When ticket types are added to the shopping cart
- When a checkout is initiated
- When a purchase is completed
Event: view_item
When a list of ticket types is viewed on an event.
gtag('event', 'view_item', {
"currency": "CAD",
"value": 10.0,
"items": [
"item_id": "tt-123",
"item_name": "General Admission",
"affiliation": "organization Name", //formerly "brand"
"item_category": "event",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 10.0
Event: add_to_cart
When a single item is added to the shopping cart.
gtag('event', 'add_to_cart', {
"currency": "CAD",
"value": 10.0,
"items": [
"item_id": "tt-123",
"item_name": "General Admission",
"affiliation": "organization Name", //formerly "brand"
"item_category": "event",
"quantity": 2,
"price": 10.0
Value is a subtotal of the items, essentially item.price * item.quantity
Event: begin_checkout
When a customer lands on the checkout page.
gtag('event', 'begin_checkout', {
"currency": "CAD",
"value": 25.00,
"items": [
"item_id": "tt-123",
"item_name": "General Admission",
"affiliation": "organization Name", // formerly "brand"
"item_category": "event",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 10.00
"coupon": ""
Event: purchase
When a customer completes a purchase.
gtag('event', 'purchase', {
"transaction_id": "xxx-xxx-xxx",
// moved affiliation to item
"value": 35.00,
"currency": "CAD",
"tax": 1.75,
"shipping": 0,
"items": [
"item_id": "tt-123",
"item_name": "General Admission",
"affiliation": "organization Name",
"item_category": "event",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 10.00
- If you are using our widget, you need to add custom code to your website in order to track the session correctly.
- This integration does not track purchases made through any of our iPhone, iPad or Android applications, and does not track sales through our staff box office.
- Once complete, you should start seeing data in your analytics property within 24 hours.
Next Steps
Once complete, you should start seeing data in your analytics property within 24 hours. If you do not see data within 24 hours, please check that you have the correct pixel installed or contact support.