Within Marketplace, you can re-arrange the order of 'Categories' if there are multiple.
Additionally, when there are multiple 'Associated Products' within a 'Category,' you can re-arrange the order those products appear when a customer goes to purchase them at checkout.
Sorting Categories
Click ‘Edit Categories’ on the ‘Marketplace’ page.
Click and drag the move icon on each Category to re-arrange the order the Category tabs show up on the ‘Organizer Profile’ page.
Sorting Associated Products
To edit the order of Associated Products within the Category, click the ‘Edit’ link to the right of the Category name.
Products are ordered ascending 0-X, so to put a product first, put a ‘0’ in the input box on the specific product and click ‘Move.’
The products are now ordered differently.
Be sure to ‘Save’ once completed for the changes to appear at checkout.